vendor/friendsofsymfony/user-bundle/Controller/ResettingController.php line 67

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  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3.  * This file is part of the FOSUserBundle package.
  4.  *
  5.  * (c) FriendsOfSymfony <>
  6.  *
  7.  * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
  8.  * file that was distributed with this source code.
  9.  */
  10. namespace FOS\UserBundle\Controller;
  11. use FOS\UserBundle\CompatibilityUtil;
  12. use FOS\UserBundle\Event\FilterUserResponseEvent;
  13. use FOS\UserBundle\Event\FormEvent;
  14. use FOS\UserBundle\Event\GetResponseNullableUserEvent;
  15. use FOS\UserBundle\Event\GetResponseUserEvent;
  16. use FOS\UserBundle\Form\Factory\FactoryInterface;
  17. use FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserEvents;
  18. use FOS\UserBundle\Mailer\MailerInterface;
  19. use FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserManagerInterface;
  20. use FOS\UserBundle\Util\TokenGeneratorInterface;
  21. use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
  22. use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
  23. use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
  24. use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
  25. use Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
  26. /**
  27.  * Controller managing the resetting of the password.
  28.  *
  29.  * @author Thibault Duplessis <>
  30.  * @author Christophe Coevoet <>
  31.  *
  32.  * @final
  33.  */
  34. class ResettingController extends AbstractController
  35. {
  36.     private $eventDispatcher;
  37.     private $formFactory;
  38.     private $userManager;
  39.     private $tokenGenerator;
  40.     private $mailer;
  41.     /**
  42.      * @var int
  43.      */
  44.     private $retryTtl;
  45.     /**
  46.      * @param int $retryTtl
  47.      */
  48.     public function __construct(EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcherFactoryInterface $formFactoryUserManagerInterface $userManagerTokenGeneratorInterface $tokenGeneratorMailerInterface $mailer$retryTtl)
  49.     {
  50.         $this->eventDispatcher CompatibilityUtil::upgradeEventDispatcher($eventDispatcher);
  51.         $this->formFactory $formFactory;
  52.         $this->userManager $userManager;
  53.         $this->tokenGenerator $tokenGenerator;
  54.         $this->mailer $mailer;
  55.         $this->retryTtl $retryTtl;
  56.     }
  57.     /**
  58.      * Request reset user password: show form.
  59.      */
  60.     public function requestAction(): Response
  61.     {
  62.         return $this->render('@FOSUser/Resetting/request.html.twig');
  63.     }
  64.     /**
  65.      * Request reset user password: submit form and send email.
  66.      */
  67.     public function sendEmailAction(Request $request): Response
  68.     {
  69.         $username $request->request->get('username');
  70.         $user $this->userManager->findUserByUsernameOrEmail($username);
  71.         $event = new GetResponseNullableUserEvent($user$request);
  72.         $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($eventFOSUserEvents::RESETTING_SEND_EMAIL_INITIALIZE);
  73.         if (null !== $event->getResponse()) {
  74.             return $event->getResponse();
  75.         }
  76.         if (null !== $user && !$user->isPasswordRequestNonExpired($this->retryTtl)) {
  77.             $event = new GetResponseUserEvent($user$request);
  78.             $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($eventFOSUserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_REQUEST);
  79.             if (null !== $event->getResponse()) {
  80.                 return $event->getResponse();
  81.             }
  82.             if (null === $user->getConfirmationToken()) {
  83.                 $user->setConfirmationToken($this->tokenGenerator->generateToken());
  84.             }
  85.             $event = new GetResponseUserEvent($user$request);
  86.             $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($eventFOSUserEvents::RESETTING_SEND_EMAIL_CONFIRM);
  87.             if (null !== $event->getResponse()) {
  88.                 return $event->getResponse();
  89.             }
  90.             $this->mailer->sendResettingEmailMessage($user);
  91.             $user->setPasswordRequestedAt(new \DateTime());
  92.             $this->userManager->updateUser($user);
  93.             $event = new GetResponseUserEvent($user$request);
  94.             $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($eventFOSUserEvents::RESETTING_SEND_EMAIL_COMPLETED);
  95.             if (null !== $event->getResponse()) {
  96.                 return $event->getResponse();
  97.             }
  98.         }
  99.         return new RedirectResponse($this->generateUrl('fos_user_resetting_check_email', ['username' => $username]));
  100.     }
  101.     /**
  102.      * Tell the user to check his email provider.
  103.      */
  104.     public function checkEmailAction(Request $request): Response
  105.     {
  106.         $username $request->query->get('username');
  107.         if (empty($username)) {
  108.             // the user does not come from the sendEmail action
  109.             return new RedirectResponse($this->generateUrl('fos_user_resetting_request'));
  110.         }
  111.         return $this->render('@FOSUser/Resetting/check_email.html.twig', [
  112.             'tokenLifetime' => ceil($this->retryTtl 3600),
  113.         ]);
  114.     }
  115.     /**
  116.      * Reset user password.
  117.      *
  118.      * @param string $token
  119.      */
  120.     public function resetAction(Request $request$token): Response
  121.     {
  122.         $user $this->userManager->findUserByConfirmationToken($token);
  123.         if (null === $user) {
  124.             return new RedirectResponse($this->container->get('router')->generate('fos_user_security_login'));
  125.         }
  126.         $event = new GetResponseUserEvent($user$request);
  127.         $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($eventFOSUserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_INITIALIZE);
  128.         if (null !== $event->getResponse()) {
  129.             return $event->getResponse();
  130.         }
  131.         $form $this->formFactory->createForm();
  132.         $form->setData($user);
  133.         $form->handleRequest($request);
  134.         if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
  135.             $event = new FormEvent($form$request);
  136.             $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($eventFOSUserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_SUCCESS);
  137.             $this->userManager->updateUser($user);
  138.             if (null === $response $event->getResponse()) {
  139.                 $url $this->generateUrl('fos_user_profile_show');
  140.                 $response = new RedirectResponse($url);
  141.             }
  142.             $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(
  143.                 new FilterUserResponseEvent($user$request$response),
  144.                 FOSUserEvents::RESETTING_RESET_COMPLETED
  145.             );
  146.             return $response;
  147.         }
  148.         return $this->render('@FOSUser/Resetting/reset.html.twig', [
  149.             'token' => $token,
  150.             'form' => $form->createView(),
  151.         ]);
  152.     }
  153. }