
newsletter Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /newsletter
# Route name Path Log
1 accommodation_type /accommodation/type Path does not match
2 admin_dashboard /admin Path does not match
3 admin_properties /admin/properties Path does not match
4 admin_rooms /admin/rooms Path does not match
5 admin_bookings /admin/bookings/{show} Path does not match
6 admin_bookings_search /admin/bookingssearch Path does not match
7 admin_goto_booking_info /admin/bookings-go Path does not match
8 admin_booking_info /admin/bookings/show/{booking_id} Path does not match
9 admin_booking_cancel /admin/bookings/show/{booking_id}/cancel Path does not match
10 admin_members /admin/members Path does not match
11 admin_member_edit /admin/member/{user_id} Path does not match
12 admin_member_editemail /admin/member/{user_id}/change-email Path does not match
13 admin_member_editpassword /admin/member/{user_id}/change-password Path does not match
14 admin_tags /admin/tags Path does not match
15 admin_propertytags_edit /admin/tags/{tag_id} Path does not match
16 admin_propertytags_removeapplied /admin/removetagproperty/{id} Path does not match
17 admin_properties_edit /admin/properties/{property_code} Path does not match
18 admin_propertymedia_new /admin/properties/{property_code}/media/new Path does not match
19 admin_accomm_edit /admin/accommodation-type/{room_code} Path does not match
20 admin_newroominfodoc /admin/accomm/{id}/roominfodoc/new Path does not match
21 admin_roominfodoc_delete /admin/roominfodoc_delete/{id} Path does not match
22 admin_roominfodoc /admin/roominfodoc/{id} Path does not match
23 admin_accomm_new /admin/accommodation-type/{property_code}/new Path does not match
24 admin_accommmedia_new /admin/accommodation-type/{room_code}/media/new Path does not match
25 admin_media_edit /admin/media/{id} Path does not match
26 admin_media_delete /admin/media/{id}/delete Path does not match
27 admin_review_new /admin/reviews/{property_code}/new Path does not match
28 admin_review_edit /admin/reviews/{id} Path does not match
29 admin_nightlyadj_edit /admin/nightly-adj/{id} Path does not match
30 admin_nightlyadj_new /admin/nightly-adj/{room_code}/new Path does not match
31 admin_nightlyadj_delete /admin/nightly-adj/{id}/delete Path does not match
32 admin_addon_edit /admin/addon/{id} Path does not match
33 admin_addon_new /admin/addon/{property_code}/new Path does not match
34 admin_addonmedia_new /admin/addon/{addon_id}/media/new Path does not match
35 admin_addon_delete /admin/addon/{id}/delete Path does not match
36 admin_roombanners /admin/roombanners Path does not match
37 admin_roombanners_new /admin/roombanners/new Path does not match
38 admin_roombanners_edit /admin/roombanners/{id} Path does not match
39 admin_roombanner_delete /admin/roombanner/{id}/delete Path does not match
40 admin_roombannersspecific_new /admin/roombanners/specific/{RoomCode}/new Path does not match
41 admin_roombannersspecific_edit /admin/roombanners/specific/{id} Path does not match
42 admin_roombannerspecific_delete /admin/roombanners/specific/{id}/delete Path does not match
43 admin_vouchers /admin/vouchers Path does not match
44 admin_vouchers_purchases /admin/vouchers/purchases Path does not match
45 admin_vouchers_new /admin/vouchers/new Path does not match
46 admin_voucherpurchase_edit /admin/voucherpurchase/{id} Path does not match
47 admin_vouchers_edit /admin/vouchers/{id} Path does not match
48 admin_discountcodes /admin/discount-codes Path does not match
49 admin_discountcode_new /admin/discount-codes/new Path does not match
50 admin_discountcodes_edit /admin/discount-codes/{id} Path does not match
51 admin_discountcodes_addwhitelist /admin/discount-codes/{id}/addwhitelist/{room_code} Path does not match
52 admin_discountcodes_removewhitelist /admin/discount-codes/{id}/removewhitelist/{room_code} Path does not match
53 admin_add_tag_to_all_rooms /admin/tags/{property_code}/addallrooms/{tag_id} Path does not match
54 admin_remove_tag_to_all_rooms /admin/tags/{property_code}/removeallrooms/{tag_id} Path does not match
55 admin_addroomalias /admin/addurlalias/{room_code}/{alias} Path does not match
56 admin_deleteroomalias /admin/deleteroomalias/{id} Path does not match
57 admin_transaction_refund /admin/transaction/{id}/refund Path does not match
58 admin_booking_amendaddons /admin/booking/{id}/amendaddons Path does not match
59 admin_booking_amendadjustments /admin/booking/{id}/amendadjustments Path does not match
60 admin_booking_addadjustment /admin/booking/{id}/addadjustment Path does not match
61 admin_booking_updatebookingadj /admin/booking/{id}/updatebookingadj Path does not match
62 admin_booking_removebookingadj /admin/booking/{id}/removebookingadj Path does not match
63 admin_booking_addvoucher /admin/booking/{id}/addvoucher Path does not match
64 admin_booking_amendpayments /admin/booking/{id}/amendpayments Path does not match
65 admin_booking_takebalancepayment /admin/booking/{id}/takebalancepayment Path does not match
66 admin_booking_amenddiscountcodes /admin/booking/{id}/amenddiscountcodes Path does not match
67 admin_booking_amendnights /admin/booking/{id}/amendnights Path does not match
68 admin_booking_addnight /admin/booking/{id}/addnight Path does not match
69 admin_booking_removenight /admin/booking/{id}/removenight Path does not match
70 admin_booking_changenightdate /admin/booking/{id}/changenightdate Path does not match
71 admin_booking_updatebooking /admin/booking/{id}/updatebooking Path does not match
72 admin_booking_processcancel /admin/booking/{id}/processcancel Path does not match
73 admin_booking_processcredittransfer /admin/booking/{id}/processcredittransfer Path does not match
74 admin_csv_download /admin/csv/{type} Path does not match
75 admin_salesreport /admin/salesreport Path does not match
76 admin_enhancedreports_hmbookings /admin/enhancedreports/hmbookings Path does not match
77 admin_enhancedreports_lobookings /admin/enhancedreports/lobookings Path does not match
78 admin_enhancedreports_lostats /admin/enhancedreports/lostats Path does not match
79 admin_enhancedreports_currentbusiness /admin/enhancedreports/currentbusiness Path does not match
80 admin_enhancedreports_declinedcancelled /admin/enhancedreports/declinedcancelled Path does not match
81 admin_enhancedreports_nocalendarsyncing /admin/enhancedreports/nocalendarsyncing Path does not match
82 admin_enhancedreports_landownerdatabase /admin/enhancedreports/landownerdatabase Path does not match
83 admin_enhancedreports_listingswithunder5photos /admin/enhancedreports/listingswithunder5photos Path does not match
84 admin_kb /admin/kb Path does not match
85 admin_kb_articlelist /admin/kb/{category_slug} Path does not match
86 admin_kb_articleedit /admin/kb/edit/{id} Path does not match
87 admin_kb_newarticle /admin/kb/{category_slug}/new Path does not match
88 admin_listingquestions /admin/qa Path does not match
89 admin_listingquestions_release /admin/qa/{id}/release Path does not match
90 admin_listingquestions_delete /admin/qa/delete Path does not match
91 admin_listingquestions_moderate /admin/qa/{id}/moderate Path does not match
92 admin_sendsmsuser /admin/sendsms/{id} Path does not match
93 admin_usersmssetting /admin/usersmssetting/{id} Path does not match
94 admin_blog_list /admin/blogs Path does not match
95 admin_blog_new /admin/blogs/new Path does not match
96 admin_blog_edit /admin/blogs/{id}/edit Path does not match
97 admin_cms_pages /admin/cms/pages Path does not match
98 admin_cms_pagenew /admin/cms/pages/new Path does not match
99 admin_cms_editpage /admin/cms/pages/{id} Path does not match
100 admin_cms_editpageblock /admin/cms/pageblock/{id} Path does not match
101 admin_emailtemplates /admin/emailtemplates Path does not match
102 admin_emailtemplates_edit /admin/emailtemplates/{id} Path does not match
103 book /book Path does not match
104 set_exclusive_setting /landowner-portal/{id}/setexclusive/{setting} Path does not match
105 message_threads /message/threads Path does not match
106 bookingmanager_checkinavailability /bookingsmanager/checkinavailability/{id} Path does not match
107 bookingmanager_checkoutcalendar /bookingsmanager/checkoutcalendar/{id} Path does not match
108 bookingmanager_showcalendarselect /bookingsmanager/showcalendarselect/{id} Path does not match
109 newbookingsystem_new /newbooking/{id} Path does not match
110 newbookingsystem_new_importantinfo /newbooking/{id}/importantinfo Path does not match
111 newbookingsystem_new_yourdetails /newbooking/{id}/yourdetails Path does not match
112 newbookingsystem_new_payment /newbooking/{id}/payment Path does not match
113 newbookingsystem_new_checkforuser /newbooking/{id}/checkforuser Path does not match
114 newbookingsystem_new_updateuser /newbooking/{id}/updateuser Path does not match
115 newbookingsystem_new_updatenumberofguests /newbooking/{id}/updatenumberofguests Path does not match
116 newbooking_update_vaccine_passport /newbooking/{id}/update_vaccine_passport Path does not match
117 newbookingsystem_new_loadreceipt /newbooking/{id}/loadreceipt Path does not match
118 onboarding_new /onboarding/new Path does not match
119 onboarding_step2 /onboarding/p/{id}/step2 Path does not match
120 onboarding_step3 /onboarding/p/{id}/step3 Path does not match
121 onboarding_step4 /onboarding/p/{id}/step4 Path does not match
122 onboarding_step5 /onboarding/p/{id}/step5/{accomm_sequence_id} Path does not match
123 onboarding_step6 /onboarding/p/{id}/step6/{accomm_sequence_id} Path does not match
124 onboarding_step7 /onboarding/p/{id}/step7/{accomm_sequence_id} Path does not match
125 onboarding_step8 /onboarding/p/{id}/step8/{accomm_sequence_id} Path does not match
126 onboarding_step8_addcalendar /onboarding/p/{id}/step8/{accomm_sequence_id}/addcalendar Path does not match
127 onboarding_step8_toggleexclusive /onboarding/p/{id}/step8/{accomm_sequence_id}/toggleexclusive Path does not match
128 onboarding_step8complete /onboarding/p/{id}/step8complete/{accomm_sequence_id} Path does not match
129 onboarding_step9 /onboarding/p/{id}/step9 Path does not match
130 onboarding_step9A_savereview /onboarding/p/{id}/step9A/savereview Path does not match
131 onboarding_step9A /onboarding/p/{id}/step9A Path does not match
132 onboarding_step10 /onboarding/p/{id}/step10 Path does not match
133 onboarding_step11 /onboarding/p/{id}/step11 Path does not match
134 onboarding_step12 /onboarding/p/{id}/step12 Path does not match
135 onboarding_step12a /onboarding/p/{id}/step12a Path does not match
136 onboarding_preview /onboarding/p/{id}/preview Path does not match
137 onboarding_submitted /onboarding/p/{id}/submitted Path does not match
138 onboarding_saveforlater /onboarding/saveforlater/{id} Path does not match
139 search /search Path does not match
140 search_key /search/{search_key} Path does not match
141 search_input /searchinput Path does not match
142 app_register /register Path does not match
143 app_login /login Path does not match
144 newsletterregisterendpoint /newsletterregisterendpoint Path does not match
145 newsletterstoppopup /newsletterstoppopup Path does not match
146 getnewsletterstatus /getnewsletterstatus Path does not match
147 exitintentserved /exitintentserved Path does not match
148 sendexitintent /sendexitintent Path does not match
149 count_email_open /countemailopen/{id} Path does not match
150 home_page / Path does not match
151 phplisttest /phplisttest Path does not match
152 updatedterms /updatedterms/{id} Path does not match
153 updatedterms_accept /updatedterms/{id}/accept Path does not match
154 ask_a_question /ask_a_question Path does not match
155 easyadmin /dbadmin/ Path does not match
156 fos_js_routing_js /js/routing.{_format} Path does not match
157 fos_profile_view_override /profile Path does not match
158 fos_profile_edit_override /profile/edit Path does not match
159 fos_user_security_login /login Path does not match
160 fos_user_security_check /login_check Path does not match
161 fos_user_security_logout /logout Path does not match
162 fos_user_profile_show /profile/ Path does not match
163 fos_user_profile_edit /profile/edit Path does not match
164 fos_user_registration_register /register/ Path does not match
165 fos_user_registration_check_email /register/check-email Path does not match
166 fos_user_registration_confirm /register/confirm/{token} Path does not match
167 fos_user_registration_confirmed /register/confirmed Path does not match
168 fos_user_resetting_request /resetting/request Path does not match
169 fos_user_resetting_send_email /resetting/send-email Path does not match
170 fos_user_resetting_check_email /resetting/check-email Path does not match
171 fos_user_resetting_reset /resetting/reset/{token} Path does not match
172 fos_user_change_password /profile/change-password Path does not match
173 liip_imagine_filter_runtime /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/rc/{hash}/{path} Path does not match
174 liip_imagine_filter /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/{path} Path does not match
175 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
176 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
177 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
178 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
179 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
180 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
181 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
182 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
183 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
184 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
185 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
186 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
187 home / Path does not match
188 send_test /send_test Path does not match
189 send_notification /send_notification Path does not match
190 iframe_captive /iframecaptive Path does not match
191 user_logout /logout Path does not match
192 profile_picture /profile/picture Path does not match
193 landowner_price_adjustments /room/{accomm_id}/adjustments Path does not match
194 landowner_price_adjustments_add /room/{accomm_id}/adjustments/add Path does not match
195 stay_prices_add /room/{accomm_id}/staypricing/add Path does not match
196 stay_price_delete /room/{accomm_id}/staypricing/{price_id}/delete Path does not match
197 landowner_price_adjustments_delete /room/{accomm_id}/adjustments/{adj_id}/delete Path does not match
198 update_saved_card /profile/update-saved-card Path does not match
199 messages /messages Path does not match
200 newthread /messages/compose Path does not match
201 viewthread /messages/{thread_id} Path does not match
202 landowner_portal /calendar/{room_code} Path does not match
203 calendar_addblockout /landowner-portal/{room_code}/blockOut Path does not match
204 calendar_deleteblockout /landowner-portal/{booking_id}/deleteBlockOut Path does not match
205 calendar_export /calendar/{room_code}/export Path does not match
206 calendar_ics /ics/{calendar_code} Path does not match
207 notifications /notifications Path does not match
208 property_referral /referral Path does not match
209 competitionEntry /competition Path does not match
210 listing_new_url /listing/nz/{room_slug_new} Path does not match
211 listing /listing/{listing_slug}/{room_slug} Path does not match
212 newroom /room/new/{listing_code} Path does not match
213 newroom_edit /new-listing/room/edit/{room_code} Path does not match
214 new_edit_room /edit/room/{room_code} Path does not match
215 newaddon /addons/new/{listing_code} Path does not match
216 editaddon /addons/edit/{addon_id} Path does not match
217 new_listing_form /new-listing Path does not match
218 new_listing_overview /setup-listing/{property_id} Path does not match
219 new_listing_form_edit /new-listing/{listing_code}/edit/{mode} Path does not match
220 new_listing_form_editmode /edit/{listing_code}/part-1/{mode} Path does not match
221 listing_part_2 /continue-listing/{property_code}/{mode} Path does not match
222 listing_part_2_edit /edit/{property_code}/part-2/{mode} Path does not match
223 update_listing_field /edit/updatefield Path does not match
224 update_accomm_field /edit/updateaccommfield Path does not match
225 edit_listing_photos /edit/photos/{room_code} Path does not match
226 reset_listing_photos /edit/resetphotos/{room_code} Path does not match
227 update_user_bio /profile/updatebio Path does not match
228 update_user_acc /profile/updateacc Path does not match
229 edit_photo_imgjs /edit/photo/{photo_id} Path does not match
230 rotate_img /edit/photo/{photo_id}/rotate/{degrees} Path does not match
231 reorder_photo /edit/photos/{photo_id}/reorder/{direction} Path does not match
232 make_photo_default /edit/photos/{photo_id}/makedefault Path does not match
233 update_listing_photo /edit/photos/{photo_id}/caption Path does not match
234 delete_listing_photo /edit/photos/{photo_id}/delete Path does not match
235 calendarimport /landowner-portal/{room_code}/import Path does not match
236 delete_synced_calendar /landowner-portal/sync/{calendar_id}/delete Path does not match
237 edit_listing /edit/{listing_code} Path does not match
238 accomm_type_new /edit/{listing_code}/new-room Path does not match
239 review_new_listing /new-listing/{listing_code}/review Path does not match
240 submit_new_listing /new-listing/{listing_code}/submit Path does not match
241 newbooking /book/new/{listing_slug}/{room_slug} Path does not match
242 booking_selectdates /book/{booking_id}/dates Path does not match
243 booking_cleardates /book/{booking_id}/dates_clear Path does not match
244 booking_addvoucher /book/{booking_id}/voucher/{voucher_code} Path does not match
245 booking_adddiscount /book/{booking_id}/discount/{discount_code} Path does not match
246 booking_removediscount /book/{booking_id}/discount-remove/{discount_code} Path does not match
247 booking_selectnight /book/{booking_id}/select/{night_date} Path does not match
248 booking_selectcheckin /book/{booking_id}/checkin/{night_date} Path does not match
249 booking_selectcheckout /book/{booking_id}/checkout/{night_date} Path does not match
250 booking_deselectnight /book/{booking_id}/deselect/{night_date} Path does not match
251 booking_selectiondescription /book/select_description/{booking_id} Path does not match
252 booking_receipt /book/receipt/{booking_id} Path does not match
253 newbookingaddons /book/{booking_id}/addons Path does not match
254 newbookingexperiences /book/{booking_id}/experiences Path does not match
255 newbookingexperiences_updateqty /book/{booking_id}/experienceqtyupdate/{price_id}/{new_qty} Path does not match
256 upgradebooking /book/{booking_id}/upgrade Path does not match
257 newbookingreview /book/{booking_id}/review Path does not match
258 changebooking /book/{id}/change Path does not match
259 booking_guest_create /book/guestcreate Path does not match
260 newbookingconfirm /book/{booking_id}/confirm Path does not match
261 booking_make_stripepayment /book/{booking_id}/newpayment/stripe/{stripe_token} Path does not match
262 user_stripe_tokenise /profile/tokenise/stripe/{stripe_token} Path does not match
263 upgradeconfirm /book/{booking_id}/upgrade-confirm/{stripe_token} Path does not match
264 bookingupgraded /book/{booking_id}/booking_upgraded Path does not match
265 getbalancetopay /book/{booking_id}/balance Path does not match
266 booking_selectaddon /book/{booking_id}/addon/select/{addon_id}/{qnt} Path does not match
267 booking_removeaddon /book/{booking_id}/addon/remove/{addon_id} Path does not match
268 booking_complete /book/{booking_id}/booking_complete/{mode} Path does not match
269 addon_remind_me /book/{booking_id}/addon/{addon_id}/remind Path does not match
270 booking_landowner_confirm /booking/confirm/{booking_id} Path does not match
271 booking_landowner_deny /booking/deny/{booking_id} Path does not match
272 search_landing /search/feature/{page_slug} Path does not match
273 search_filter_form /search_filter_form/{page_position} Path does not match
274 select_region /room/{room_id}/setregion/{region_id} Path does not match
275 search_all_tags /search_filter_loadalltags/{tag_type} Path does not match
276 add_tag /room/{room_id}/tags/{tag_id}/add Path does not match
277 remove_tag /room/{room_id}/tags/{tag_id}/remove Path does not match
278 search_clear /search/clear Path does not match
279 output_filters /search/filter/get/{filter_type} Path does not match
280 search_output_results /search/results/output/{output_type} Path does not match
281 booking_setting_numguests /booking/{booking_id}/num-guests/{num_guests} Path does not match
282 booking_get_numguests /booking/{booking_id}/get-num-guests/{totalsleeps} Path does not match
283 booking_info /booking/{booking_id}/info Path does not match
284 toggle_filter /search/filter/toggle/{filter_type}/{filter_id} Path does not match
285 email_test /email_test Path does not match
286 contact_us /contact-us Path does not match
287 list /list-with-us Path does not match
288 aboutus /about-us Path does not match
289 blog /blog Path does not match
290 blogpost /blog/{blog_slug} Path does not match
291 kb /support-centre Path does not match
292 kb_search /kb/search Path does not match
293 kb_article /kb/article/{article_slug} Path does not match
294 kb_category_blank /kb/category Path does not match
295 kb_category /kb/category/{category_slug} Path does not match
296 sendListingQuestion /listing/sendquestion Path does not match
297 newsletter /newsletter Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.