Help & Support > Deposits > What happens if you can't collect the balance from my card automatically?

What happens if you can't collect the balance from my card automatically?

We attempt to capture payments at approximately 4pm each day from the credit cards we have on file.

If this charge goes through with the bank without any problems, then the balance of the account will be paid and you will be ready to go with your booking.

If we are unsuccessful with capturing payment, we will advise you via automated email. We will make 2 further attempts to capture payment in the following days. If you need to update your credit card details online (as your details or credit card has changed) you can do this via the automated email reminder.

Some reasons why we may not be able to charge your card successfully are:

  • Your card has expired, has been cancelled or put on hold

  • Your card has been blocked at the bank for some other reason

  • There is insufficient funds on the card to make the payment

Published on 14 Sep 2022 by Dev LuminateOne